
Chris McCarrell, actor (Broadway: LES MISÉRABLES, Marius)

“What makes Benjamin Czarnota such a rarity is that he has mastered two worlds that usually conflict. He’s naturally a technique hammering, rhythm obeying, phrasing obsessed old soul.  Yet while he can hold his own with the most pompous of classicists, things like acoustics, mic awareness, and folk twang are just as commonplace to him.  I remember sophomore year, we were working on breath support and vibrato consistency.  By my senior year, we were glued to a computer screen figuring out what the heck Glen Hansard does to his vowels.  That versatility is not normal and frankly it’s because it’s not easy.  If 10,000 hours of deliberate action towards a subject makes you an expert, then Czarnota is a downright multi-versed genius.  He’s always studying, always discovering, always dismantling the most abstract of sounds.  He loves what he does, and thank god, because he is one of the few doing it.  If you’re trying to jump into today’s demanding vocal scene where versatility is not an option, then you have no room or time for the average teacher.  Czarnota has been ahead of the curve for years. He wasn’t a bystander with a coy facade of pedagogy.  He was in the trenches with me.”

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