
Tom Woodward, actor (TV: General Hospital, PBS: Cora Unashamed)

“In any form of artistic collaboration, clear communication is key.  As a professional actor with no real formal voice training, I was in dire need of a knowledgeable coach. Benjamin proved to be that in spades. He took me from a place of zero confidence and little understanding of maintaining character and comprehending when singing. As an actor of straight plays, I had a lot of fear to venture into the area of ‘breaking into song’ and still comprehending how to be true to my character and the story. With his patience and natural directing ability, Benjamin guided me to my own truth for the character. Going way beyond technical voice work, he intuitively focused in on my strengths as an actor to help alleviate my fears and use my voice in the most effective ways. To this day, I still utilize exercises and breathing technique to prepare for roles, whether musical or straight plays. I highly recommend Benjamin as an extremely effective Vocal Coach, Musical Director or Production Director. He is the real deal.”

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